• Dalibor Pročka, Nováka, Martin

    I needed to buy a flat in a very short time frame and because of real estate agency Alpia I was successful. They found me a suitable flat, clarified me and my father the whole process of buying and after signing an agreement they did everything instead of me. I only got the keys and the letter of ownership. As a payback, they should also be satisfied, because all friends who want to buy or sell a real estate I am sending to them.
  • Tomáš Jesenský, Timravy, Martin-Podháj

    Me and my wife had a certicate for a mortgage ready for a long time but we could not find any suitable real estate. We were pretty nervous because our rent was about to be over and we needed to buy a flat really badly. Because of this real estate agency we were successful. They offered us a flat close to where we lived before and we spent Christmas there. That was the best Christmas ever.
  • Ľubomír Pokorný, Cyrila a Metoda, Vrútky

    The employees of a real estate agency Alpia offered me several three bedroom flats. I did not know which one to choose. Finally I liked one three bedroom completely renovated flatfor a very good price. And now I am a happy owner.
  • Zuzana Bartáková, Galandová, Martin-Košúty 2

    I was afraid of buying a real estate. You hear from everywhere about many cheaters. We wanted to buy a flat in Košúty with my friend. But he is sometimes abroad for more than a month, so I could not really imagine that. Of course, we wanted to get a mortgage on it. The employees of the real estate agency Alpia helped us. Eventhough it took a little longer and there were some complications, finally they solved everything to our satisfaction.
  • Family Kubišová, Mošovce

    We were looking for a house near Martin. We looked at several houses and were interested in one that real estate agency Alpia had in its menu. So we turned over to them. They helped us with the mortgage, our only job was to sign the agreement. Everything else was taken care by the agency when we were on vacation. When we came back, we were new owners of the house.
  • Katarína Gabajová, J.Krónera, Martin

    I was selling a house for a long time. There were some clients who looked at it but nobody came back with a real interest, or they wanted to buy it on a mortgage. I had no experience with this, so I turned over to real estate agency Alpia. They found a client, who wanted to buy it on a mortgage , but they clarified me everything. I am satisfied with their work.
  • Family Húšťavová, Kláštor pod Znievom

    For a long time we wanted to buy a family house and finally we found one in the real estate agency Alpia. We did not have cash. We had a flat and we needed to get a loan. We could not imagine, how are we going to do it. They explained it to me and did each step with us. In spite of a holiday season, everything was done and we live in a new house.
  • Miss Dodoková, Martin-Záturčie

    This way I want to thank the real estate agency Alpia with help in selling my flat in Záturčie. They did it all in a very short time: the bill of sale, a copy out of a real estate register, overwriting into the real estate register, change of electricity, water, gas, overwriting them, etc. It was easier than I expected. I do not know how I would deal with it alone. Thank You.
  • Marek Lidák, Martin-Záturčie

    Me and my girlfriend were looking for a flat for a long time. The situation with flats in a town of Martin is not good. Twice the seller of the flat refused to sell it to us. Eventhough we had money, we were not able to buy anything. The flat that we finally bought through the real estate agency Alpia was our third attempt to buy a flat. I was really worried about it, but I was wrong. I am the owner of a new flat.